1/15/2025 0 Comments BecomeJohn 2:1-11
Wedding at Cana https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John%202%3A1-11&version=NRSVUE Jesus’ first miracle, the advent of his ministry, takes place at a wedding in Cana when he turns water into wine. The NRSV uses the word “become”: “The steward tasted the water that had become wine” (v.9). Become means “to come into being, or to change or grow to be.” The setting of the wedding is a perfect place for becoming. We often say at weddings that “the two become one,” which is repeated many times throughout the Bible. This was also the time when Jesus “becomes” the Son of God. He always was, of course, but people knew him as Jesus of Nazareth, or Mary and Joseph’s son, or the brother of James. This was the turning point, according to John, when he revealed his glory for the first time to his disciples. He becomes who God created him to be. When the water becomes wine, it was a very subtle miracle and goes unnoticed to everyone except the servants and the disciples. The chief steward, and we can assume the wedding guests, all believe it is good wine without knowing about the miracle. Jesus allows the bridegroom to receive all the credit. His intention for the miracle was to fulfill a need, not to demonstrate his glory. He quietly shared that with only those who assisted with the miracle and his closest friends. Water that becomes wine is a miracle, but the real miracle is in the becoming. There are subtle and unnoticed miracles that happen all the time that assist in our becoming who God wants us to be. We may not realize it is happening, or who inspired it, had a hand in it, or nudged it along, but the end result shows that there was a transformation, a turning into, a becoming, that wasn't short of a miracle. We are in a new and challenging time, a time that holds great need. We are in the process of becoming during this time. Maybe we’re becoming someone we don’t want to become. Someone who lashes out in frustration. Someone who loses it on the service worker who makes a mistake. Someone who lives with a short fuse that ignites at every little thing. Someone who withdraws so deep into loneliness that we may not know how to come back out. Or, maybe we are on the right path to becoming who God wants us to be. Maybe this is our turning point too. We had a wake-up call during this pandemic, and we want to re-focus areas of our lives that were checked out or dwindling. “Our wine had run out” and now we want to become good wine, the best wine. We participate with Christ to fill our cups, so we have something to draw out; something that we can give to others in need. And so, we draw near to Christ, listen to his direction, and sometimes without knowing, a miracle happens. We become someone who Christ uses to demonstrate his glory. We become someone who sees a need and helps fulfill it, even though it may not seem the right time for us. We work with Christ behind the scenes, very subtly and without calling attention to ourselves, so that others receive the credit they deserve. Who are you becoming? Do you like who you are becoming? Where in your life does God want you “to come into being, or to change or grow to be?” I invite you to spend some time reflecting and praying on these questions. We don’t have to wait until our cups are empty to be filled with the Good Wine. We can begin at any time by bringing our water jars to Jesus for him to work miracles in our lives. Reflection Questions: What does this miracle tell us about Jesus? Have you ever had someone nudge you like Mary did to Jesus? How did it turn out? What was the significance of saving the good wine to last? What miracles go unnoticed that help us become whom we are meant to be? Pray: Gracious God, help us become who you have created us to be. Show us where we need to bring you our empty jars for you to work within our lives. Action: Take a step this week in growing into who you think God wants you to become. *New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition. Copyright © 2021 National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
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